{"id":69803,"date":"2023-12-10T09:00:02","date_gmt":"2023-12-10T09:00:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/celeband.com\/?p=69803"},"modified":"2023-12-10T09:00:02","modified_gmt":"2023-12-10T09:00:02","slug":"caity-baser-issues-a-stark-warning-to-future-boyfriends","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/celeband.com\/celebrities\/caity-baser-issues-a-stark-warning-to-future-boyfriends\/","title":{"rendered":"Caity Baser issues a stark warning to future boyfriends"},"content":{"rendered":"

EXCLUSIVE<\/span> BRIT Rising Star nominee Caity Baser issues a stark warning to future boyfriends as she reveals why she channels her inner Taylor Swift with lyrics about exes<\/h1>\n

Caity Baser has issued a stark warning to all boys, telling them not to ‘p*** her off’ as she spoke about writing about her ex in her lyrics.<\/p>\n

The TikTok star, 21, known for her very candid honesty, plans to follow\u00a0Taylor Swift’s footsteps and channel her boy-induced anger into her music as she is shortlisted for the 2024 Rising Star BRIT Award.<\/p>\n

In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, Caity said she plans to be fierce and insisted men shouldn’t ‘p***’ her off if they don’t want to be in her songs.<\/p>\n

But it’s not just men who need to be careful as she also revealed that her friends’ failed dating lives have also inspire a lot of her material.<\/p>\n

Channelling her inner Swifty, Caity revealed her songs about failed romances are here to stay and that ‘there is still so much that people do not know’.<\/p>\n


Caity Baser is the TikTok sensation known for calling boys out with her honesty, and she has been shortlisted for the 2024 Rising Star BRIT Award<\/p>\n


The singer’s life has been a whirlwind throughout Covid, from busking in Southampton pubs in 2020 to filling festival stages in 2023 (she is pictured in a music video)<\/p>\n

She said: ‘If someone’s p****d me off, like a boy, then I’m gonna make a song about it.\u00a0And if they’re upset about it, then they shouldn’t have p****d me off.\u00a0<\/p>\n

‘But I will never like ”this is who it is about, everyone go hate on them lalala”.<\/p>\n

‘It is just life, isn’t it. It’s like how I express myself, and it’s something that comes with, like being with me or getting to know me. If you annoy me or anything, I’m gonna make a song about it.’<\/p>\n

The singer’s life has been a whirlwind throughout Covid, going from busking in Southampton pubs in 2020 to filling festival stages in 2023.\u00a0<\/p>\n

And while the star, who is seen as a Gen Z role model for self-confidence, may appear to be an open book, she learnt quickly that not everything in life should be dished out on social media.<\/p>\n

When asked if she regrets being so open early on in her career, she said: ‘No, because there’s still so much that people don’t know.<\/p>\n

‘I feel like it seems like a lot because I’m daring about… Well, a lot of a lot of stuff does go on with me, but believe it or not, that is not all of it.<\/p>\n

‘But I feel like I’m sharing, but I’m also like, sensible with what I share, because I don’t know, some people don’t need to know.<\/p>\n

‘But the stuff that I’m comfortable with, I’m like, Yeah, here’s what’s going on.’<\/p>\n


In an exclusive interview with MailOnline, she revealed she has nerves of steel and is ready to do what it takes to follow in the footsteps of the stars who have accepted the award<\/p>\n


Channelling her inner Swifty, Caity revealed her music about her past romances is here to stay and that ‘there is still so much that people do not know’\u00a0<\/p>\n


Taylor Swift is known for writing smash hit songs inspired by her own relationships and ex-boyfriends\u00a0<\/p>\n


Caity said of her own music: ‘If someone’s p****d me off, like a boy, then I’m gonna make a song about it. And if they’re upset about it, then they shouldn’t have p****d me off’<\/p>\n

Although she writes about failed relationships in her music, Caity\u00a0revealed that if she ever does fall in love, she would actually keep the whole affair a secret.<\/span><\/p>\n

She said: ‘I mean, I just think I’ve never ever said like to like my followers or on Instagram ”this is what it’s about And this is who I’m seeing and la la, la, la la”.<\/p>\n

‘So I feel like I can honestly say whatever I want. And no one’s going to know who it’s about because even when I do eventually fall in love, I will never tell anybody. Never.\u00a0 I will keep it hidden.’<\/p>\n

Caity also admitted that many of her hits are actually inspired by her friends’ dating lives rather than her own and the songs inspired by her own life are just based on one man.<\/p>\n

She said: ‘All of the songs are about Yeah, like I said one guy and they haven’t really… It never ended well with him, but I don’t really care about what I said.’<\/p>\n

‘Like I’m so inspired by, like, my friends and stuff and what they go through to one of my songs,’ she later added.\u00a0<\/p>\n

Caity, who has 573,000 followers on TikTok, has had quite the journey to stardom.<\/p>\n

Now based in Brighton, she didn’t set out to be a huge popstar from birth.\u00a0<\/p>\n

She unintentionally built herself a platform that allowed thousands across the globe to find and fall in love with her unique personality and rage-based artistry.<\/p>\n


When asked if she regrets being so open early on in her career, she said: ‘No, because there’s still so much that people don’t know’<\/p>\n


Although she writes about failed relationships in her music, Caity revealed that if she ever does fall in love, she would actually keep the whole affair a secret\u00a0<\/p>\n

She first started in 2020 lockdown, when she posted a clip on TikTok of herself in pyjamas, no make-up and just singing about how she hated everything.<\/p>\n

Just 24 hours later, the clip was viewed a million times, and Future Cut – Lily Allen’s producer and Caity’s now manager – sent her a message on Instagram.<\/p>\n

She debuted with Lil CB mixtape in 2021, and the star soon racked up 4million views just days after posting the Friendly Sex track.<\/p>\n

Filled with excitement, Caity rushed to the studio to turn the 60-second verse into a full track – within a week, the new release hit 1million streams.<\/p>\n

Since she has been with Future Cut, recording song after song and now she hopes to bag the 2024 Rising Star Brit Award after releasing her latest hit – Pretty Boys – which reached the top 30 in the charts.<\/p>\n

But despite the quick shoot to fame, the blonde beauty has kept her feet firmly on the ground as she lives in the moment and show gratitude for being discovered.<\/p>\n

She said: ‘I feel like I’m walking on clouds filled with rainbows and sunshine. It’s honestly like the best news I’ve ever received.<\/p>\n

‘It’s like all of my hard work and all of this that that I’ve made and stuff I’ve missed out on has been for this moment. And I’ve always dreamt of this moment as well. So it’s just like a dream come true.’<\/p>\n

Caity is set to embark on her biggest tour, including a show at London’s Hammersmith Apollo and will release a 14-track mixtape, Still Learning, on March 15.\u00a0<\/p>\n


Caity also admitted that many of her hits are actually inspired by her friends’ dating lives rather than her own and the songs that are inspired by her own life are actually just based on one man<\/p>\n


Music legends such as Adele, Sam Smith and Jessie J have all accepted her award, which she has been shortlisted for, and it now has the reputation of being the start of successful music careers.<\/p>\n

She said of her nomination: ‘When I heard that I’ve been nominated for the BRITs Rising Star award this year, I screamed for 5 minutes and chucked everything around my room!!<\/p>\n

‘I used to watch the awards on TV every year when I was a kid but had no idea how a kid from an estate in Southampton would ever get there.\u00a0<\/p>\n

‘Now to be shortlisted for the Rising Star award for next year…me! Little old me\u2026 All I have to say is I am so happy, and thank you so much. It’s really a dream come true!’<\/p>\n

Source: Read Full Article<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

EXCLUSIVE BRIT Rising Star nominee Caity Baser issues a stark warning to future boyfriends as she reveals why she channels her inner Taylor Swift with lyrics about exes Caity Baser has issued a stark warning to all boys, telling them not to ‘p*** her off’ as she spoke about writing about her ex in her lyrics. The TikTok star, 21, […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":2,"featured_media":69802,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"footnotes":""},"categories":[1],"tags":[],"yoast_head":"\nCaity Baser issues a stark warning to future boyfriends - CELEBAND<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/celeband.com\/celebrities\/caity-baser-issues-a-stark-warning-to-future-boyfriends\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\"Caity Baser issues a stark warning to future boyfriends - CELEBAND\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"EXCLUSIVE BRIT Rising Star nominee Caity Baser issues a stark warning to future boyfriends as she reveals why she channels her inner Taylor Swift with lyrics about exes Caity Baser has issued a stark warning to all boys, telling them not to ‘p*** her off’ as she spoke about writing about her ex in her lyrics. 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