EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Inheritance dithering commands Harry's attention

EPHRAIM HARDCASTLE: Rishi Sunak’s dithering over inheritance tax commands the full attention of Prince Harry

Rishi Sunak’s dithering over the possible abolition of inheritance tax commands the full attention of Prince Harry. 

Although living in California, he is officially domiciled in the UK. 

Any inheritance he might have received from the Queen and Prince Philip and, in due course, his father could be taxable. 

Should he change his domicile, he would need to sever most ties with the UK. 

The advantage for him is the absence of a US federal inheritance tax. Only six states impose their own. California isn’t one of them.

Rishi Sunak’s dithering over the possible abolition of inheritance tax commands the full attention of Prince Harry (pictured on Friday)

The late Queen, to avoid any inheritance tax, is believed to have left everything to Charles with a separate set of instructions as to whom she wishes to be given what. 

That way the taxman can’t get his pound of flesh. In 1993 then PM John Major agreed that bequests made from sovereign to sovereign were exempt from inheritance tax. 

However, there is no legal obligation on Charles to carry out his mother’s wishes when passing on bequests. 

So it could be up to William eventually to decide whether to pass on any of his father’s largesse he might leave to Harry. With fraternal relations in the freezer, it might not be a foregone conclusion.

Whispers that BBC Radio 4 Today’s Amol Rajan doesn’t get on with fellow presenters Nick Robinson, Martha Kearney and Mishal Husain have been firmly dismissed by the multi-tasking Rajan. 

‘The idea that this is some hotbed of tension and difficulty is wrong,’ he tells Radio Times.

‘I really like Nick, I respect him. It’s the same with Martha and Mishal.’ 

But then, in a Bridge Too Far comment, he adds: ‘I’m full of unashamed love for Today. I’m also full of love for the BBC.’ Steady Amol.

Reprising her role as Doctor Who’s assistant, Catherine Tate, pictured, alarms Tardis aficionados by admitting she is not a fan. 

‘No I am not,’ she says. ‘I don’t understand it. It is probably not childish enough for me. I think my comprehension is probably a bit too low for sci-fi. It just baffles me.’ 

And she doesn’t even watch it, saying: ‘I had no idea they even carried on when David Tennant and I left.’ 

Shouldn’t the name of her character Donna Noble be changed to Don’t Know Noble?

Catherine Tate, pictured, alarms Tardis aficionados by admitting she is not a fan of Doctor Who

Rupert Everett says his days of describing Madonna as ‘a whiny old barmaid’ and Julia Roberts as ‘smelling vaguely of sweat’ are over. 

‘I can’t any more,’ he says, ‘It’s just too exhausting. And too terrifying. You have to be incredibly careful now.’ 

Too late to make amends to Michael Jackson, RIP. Rupe said he ‘looked like a character from Shrek’.

University Challenge viewers’ sympathies were with announcer Roger Tilling, who this week faced the nameplate for a Warwick student that read AKARAPONGPISKADI. 

‘This is a wonderful, beautiful Thai surname,’ wailed Roger in a tweet. ‘But just bear with me while I go off and have a quick cry…’

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