Experts reveal what common dreams mean – from spiders to teeth falling out

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    Ever wondered what your dreams mean?

    Some believe your true thoughts come out after you doze off. And apparently, nighttime fantasies can tell you a bit about your psychology too.

    So with this being said, the sleep experts at BedKingdom have conducted a study. They looked into Google searches to identify the most common dreams, before analysing them. Here's what they had to say…

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    Dreaming about teeth falling out – 33,700 monthly searches

    While this nightmare may seem unusual, it's one that's Googled on a regular basis. Popular interpretations of this dream include a feeling of anxiety or ‘not fitting in’, as well as concerns about your body image.

    And as a result, some also report grinding their teeth during their sleep.

    Dreaming about someone – 9,000 monthly searches

    Whether you're dreaming about an ex, your boss or a close friend, it can be very unnerving. But don't fret, as it's probably just your subconscious talking and bringing up old memories.

    The spiritual among us may even believe it's a sign the same person has been thinking about you.

    Dreaming about being pregnant – 5,900 monthly searches

    Pregnancy dreams are also pretty common, which could signify fears about a new phase in your life.

    Alternatively, it could be a sign you're thinking about yourself, or someone you know, who is starting a new family.

    Dreaming about snakes – 4,150 monthly searches

    If you're scared of the reptiles, this probably isn't a very pleasant experience for you. And snakes in your dream can mean that you are afraid of something at the moment.

    It's not all negative though – as it could mean there's a significant change in your life due to snakes shedding their skin.

    Dreaming about spiders – 3,900 monthly searches

    As arachnophobia is common, so are spiders in dreams. These nightmares tend to indicate subconscious anxiety about feeling vulnerable. It may also mean you have a ‘fear of the unknown’ or feel entangled or trapped in something.

    Adding to the findings, a spokesperson from BedKingdom said: “It’s no wonder dream interpretation is such a sought-after and popular thing, particularly with how memorable certain dreams are. With how specific certain dreams can be, it may come as a surprise upon scouring the internet to find that many others have had similar experiences.”

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