We had our wedding reception at my grandmother's care home

Aisle be there! Couple hold their wedding reception at a care home so bride’s grandmother wouldn’t miss out on the celebrations

  • Stacey and Ashley Stewart brought their wedding party to her grandma Jean 
  • READ MORE: Moment disabled bride walks down aisle on her wedding day

This is the sweet moment a couple held their wedding reception at a care home so the bride’s grandmother could attend – leaving her absolutely thrilled.

Blushing bride Stacey Stewart was determined to have her grandmother Jean present at her special day, even if it meant arranging the party at her care home Stockmoor Lodge.

Jean had moved into the assisted living facility in Somerset several years ago, and wasn’t well enough to leave to attend her granddaughter’s wedding ceremony to her sweetheart Ashley Stewart.

Eager not to have her miss out on all the celebrations, the bride and groom made special arrangements with the home’s staff for an unforgettable wedding reception – complete with balloons, fresh flowers and all the trimmings.

Sue Monger, the manager at Stockmoor Lodge, recalled seeing Jean ‘absolutely thrilled’ by the festivities.

The image captures the heartwarming moment a couple held their wedding reception at a care home so the bride’s grandmother could attend (Pictured: Newlyweds Stacey and Ashley Stewart with Stacey’s grandmother Jean)

Stacey Stewart was determined to have her grandmother Jean present at her special day, which left her ‘absolutely thrilled’

Jean is pictured here raising a glass to toast to her granddaughter’s special day

She added: ‘You can tell from the beaming smile on Jean’s face just how much this meant to her, and that really warms our hearts. 

‘It means so much to have been a part of their celebrations, and to enable Jean to celebrate with the happy couple and her wider family.

‘We’re really passionate about supporting our residents to celebrate special occasions with family and friends.

‘Receiving care should not be a barrier to making incredible memories with loved ones.

‘This was a wonderful opportunity to help Jean do just that’.

Stacey and Ashley arrived at the care home to a waiting Jean who was seated patiently inside the main room.

The bride looked ethereal in a traditional, flowing, white wedding dress which she matched with a white floor-length veil.

Ashley looked supremely dapper in a navy blue three-piece suit, which he teamed with a crisp white button-front shirt and teal tie.

The bride and groom made special arrangements with the home’s staff to forge a wedding reception complete with balloons, fresh flowers and all the trimmings

The bride looked ethereal in a traditional, flowing, white wedding dress and it’s safe to say the day was a success

Meanwhile Jean dressed comfortably for the occasion in a light purple jogger suit and a floral dress shirt.

An ecstatic smile took over her face as she hugged the bride and groom while they all made inaudible pleasantries.

A sweet Stacey took her nan by the hand and slowly guided her down the corridor of the home to what appeared to be Jean’s bedroom, before kicking off the main event.

The team dressed the home in Stacey’s chosen wedding colours of teal and gold, which included matching balloons, and stunning flowers. 

Staff of the lodge made no bones about delivering the grand wedding reception, and worked tirelessly to create befitting memories.

The activities team consisting of Louise Bone, Kate Chapman and Susane Audrey, were tasked with putting up the decorations – and made sure to match the colours with the look of the real wedding. 

The magical event was then captured by photography and featured in a special edition of Stockmoor Lodge’s in-house publication ‘The Newlywed Times’.

The family were seen on film enjoying the memorable occasion, as was a beaming Jean who raised a glass to toast to her granddaughter and new grandson-in-law.

Also pleased with the day’s events was Sue, who added: ‘Thank you so much to Jean’s granddaughter, Stacey, and her new husband, Ashley, for inviting us to host their wedding reception.  

‘Congratulations once again to the new Mr and Mrs Stewart.

‘On behalf of everyone at Stockmoor Lodge, we wish them all the very best for a long and happy married life together’.

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