Where is Aggie in Coronation Street? ITV soap confirms sad update

Coronation Street’s Aggie Bailey has been missing from the cobbles for months, leaving fans confused.

However, during the episode which aired on Monday, 27 November, it was confirmed that she will not be returning to Weatherfield any time soon.

Aggie was last seen on the soap in the summer, and her absence has been unexplained, and fans have been wondering if they will ever get to see her again.

During Monday’s episode, her son, Michael, explained that Aggie wouldn’t be back with her family for Christmas as she is currently looking after her auntie.

The news left Michael visibly disappointed, but he was soon distracted by his dad, Ed Bailey, who didn’t seem to have much to say about his wife’s decision.

As the viewers at home know, Ed doesn’t appear to be bothered as he has slipped back into his old ways, and is struggling with his gambling addiction again.

Ed has been busy trying to scrape enough money together to pay back Tony, one his handymen.

To add to his worries, Ed was dealt another blow when he and his brother Ronnie Bailey’s dad, Sarge, arrived on the famous street.

The family gathered together after enjoying lunch together, and it quickly became clear that Sarge believes the Bailey family moved to Weatherfield as a result of Ed’s business plan falling through.

However, Ed’s daughter, Dee-Dee Bailey, explained that they moved and lost everything due to Ed’s gambling addiction.

Sarge appears to be very stuck in his ways, and he found it hard to sympathise with his son, but Dee-Dee soon put her grandfather in his place.

She said that the family supported Ed through the difficult time, and she sees him as a very strong man.

As the episode continued, the viewers at home watched as Ed struggled to keep it together as the pressure mounted.

With that in mind, right at the end of the episode, Ed decided to head to a support meeting, where he spoke about relapsing.

Ed admitted that he is terrified that his family won’t support him this time around if they find out about him gambling again.

On Wednesday, 29 November, Ed’s storyline is set to play out as his father makes himself at home, much to Ed's annoyance.

However, things get worse as Sarge admits that his business is struggling and he needs to borrow £2,000.

Ronnie tells his dad not to worry and tells him that he and Ed can borrow the money, and as that happens, Ed tries to hide his panic.

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