Im A Celebrity star Grace Dents worrying turmoil unveiled after quitting show

I’m A Celeb: Grace Dent at the airport after leaving the jungle

Grace Dent was faced with the prospect of doing another Bushtucker Trial just hours before she quit the series.

The food critic, 50, had sparked concern among I’m A Celebrity viewers with her “unwell” appearance, with a show spokesperson confirming on Monday that Grace left the jungle on “medical grounds”.

Body language expert Judi James has since suggested the broadcaster was battling “inner turmoil” and claimed she was gradually breaking down.

Speaking to Paddy Power Games, she explained: “Watching Grace’s body language gradually break down and finally go on strike altogether was a concerning, worrying sight.

“When she was told she’d been voted by the viewers for the next challenge she sat rigidly upright, staring ahead with a blank eye expression and with a total lack of facial movement apart from an accelerated blink rate that suggested inner turmoil.”

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She continued: “Her mouth was clamped and turned down at the corners in a mask of misery and her chin was raised, but not in any suggestion of defiance.

“This total body and facial masking looked like a worrying response. It didn’t suggest stoicism, it hinted at a complete shut-down.”

The expert suggested Grace had completely checked out of the show.

“This stone-faced response would scare the other campmates too because it’s as though she stopped communicating,” she commented. “Nella [Rose] is clearly feeling exhausted and fearful at times herself and bent to stare into Grace’s face in a bid to show empathy and support, but there really did seem to be nothing there in Grace’s eyes at that moment.”

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Judi added: “Without her, the Brexit debates were lacking any nuance whatsoever. Grace couldn’t afford to be tired of the games and the discussions and the irritating campmates.

“She’d been given a chance to redeem herself by pairing up with Josie and bravely winning all the stars for a meal, but she clearly didn’t feel strong or well enough to accept the offer.

“It looked like Grace’s battery charger has been plugged into Sam’s batteries by mistake.”

An insider has since revealed to MailOnline that the decision to leave was mutually decided between Grace and show bosses, who had intervened after seeing her visible deterioration in camp.

They told the publication: “Grace decided to leave the jungle soon after it was announced that she would be doing the latest Bushtucker Trial.

“Knowing that she would be facing another tough challenge was the straw that broke the camel’s back.”

Grace has since been pictured arriving back in the UK after the presenter left Australia.

I’m A Celebrity… Get Me Out Of Here! airs tonight on ITV at 9pm.

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