Chloe and Mack wedding drama revealed ahead of death crash in Emmerdale

Wedding bells may be on the horizon for Chloe Harris (Jessie Elland) and Mackenzie Boyd (Lawrence Robb) after a shotgun proposal in upcoming Emmerdale scenes, but will they make it down the aisle as a deadly crash looms?

Things have been moving very quickly for Mack and Chloe in recent months, following the collapse of Mack’s marriage to Charity Dingle (Emma Atkins) after his betrayal was exposed.

During a difficult time in their relationship following Charity’s heartbreaking miscarriage, Mack turned to Chloe for comfort, and ended up falling into bed with her.

Their one night stand resulted in Chloe’s pregnancy, and just over nine months later the truth came out, as their son Reuben was rushed to hospital with meningitis.

Charity was totally devastated by Mack’s betrayal, and the fact he had gone to such great lengths to keep it quiet, and soon their marriage totally fell apart, with Mack taking the opportunity to go back to Chloe and make a life with his son.

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However, Chloe realises that they may be set to add another pair of tiny feet to their brood when in upcoming episodes she suspects that she might be pregnant.

She confides in sister Amy Wyatt (Natalie Ann Jamieson), before setting about ordering a pregnancy test online.

It is while she is doing this that Mack walks in and catches her, and is instantly left speechless as he realises that they may be having another baby.

As Chloe lays out the evidence which suggests why her suspicions may be right, Mack is elated, and soon does the unexpected.

With his excitement in overdrive, Mack asks Chloe to marry him, and, giddily, she says yes!

Not wanting to keep the news to themselves, the pair announce both their pregnancy and engagement news to their close family and friends, and it soon becomes clear that not everyone is convinced that they are making the right decision.

With Chloe having excused herself to the bathroom, Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) takes the opportunity to make her feelings clear, expressing her concerns over the speed of their engagement.

Mack is quick to fend off her concerns, before heading to the bar. It is there that Nate (Jurell Carter) makes it clear that he can see right through Mack’s desire for another child…

Meanwhile, Chloe has made a discovery, and reveals to Amy that she has got her period and she isn’t pregnant after all.

When Mack gushes lovingly about their unborn baby, Chloe feels as though she can’t tell him the truth, fearing that he wouldn’t want to marry her without a baby.

As Amy comforts her distraught sister, Chloe makes a decision.

The following day, she reveals all to Mack, but how will he respond? Will they go ahead with the wedding or will plans come to a head before they’ve even begun?

And what about that upcoming car crash? Will they ever make it down the aisle?

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